
Ayahuasca Purple By Barney’s Farm: Strain Info & Grow Journal

A lover of language or not, most cannot help but be intrigued by cannabis strain names; think Lemon Sour Diesel, Island Sweet Skunk, OG Shark. Despite the title perhaps swaying one’s decision-making, most people have a preferred form of cannabis, whether dried leaves or flowers, seeds or oil.

So, when choosing your favorite ‘high’, what are your criteria?

Are you driven by aroma, smell, taste, THC, or CBD measures? Are you interested in how relaxed the product makes you feel, or are you more focused on the potential medical benefits? Extending beyond its relaxing powers, scientific research on cannabis and its much-debated medicinal properties is increasing.

Today we look at another fascinating marijuana type; enter: Ayahuasca Purple.

What strain is Ayahuasca Purple?

The cannabis plant comes in predominantly two strains, that of Indica and that of Sativa. The two strains are set apart, the difference in the plant description, that the Indica is a more stubby plant with broader leaves, whereas the Sativa is a taller plant with a narrow leaf.

Reviews add that the Indica strain seems more sedating and the Sativa strain more uplifting. A third strain that requires a mention is the hybrid of the Indica and Sativa strains, a combination of the two. It must be noted that there seems to be a trend to move away from the term ‘strain’ towards that of ‘chemovars,’ a term referring to the chemical varieties, highlighting the content as far as THC and CBD are concerned.

Genetics Unwrapped for popular strain, Ayahuasca Purple

Any genetics masters in the room, keen growers of various marijuana plants, or just in-the-know stoners? We have a Quiz Night question for you! What do you get when you combine Red River Delta and Master Kush? Yes, you’ve got it! Ayahuasca Purple!

A strain, cultivated by Barney’s Farm, THC-dominant (less so CBD), may suit your taste. Whether used for recreational or medical purposes, Ayahuasca Purple is an Indica-dominant cannabis strain that offers a full-body flavor, with a gentle, relaxing aroma of hazelnut and papaya. A smell to tease the olfactory sense with a hint of the tropical. Mastering a blend of genetics, this cross between Master Kush and the Red River Delta offers a significant relaxed state for the smoker and consumer (we’re thinking marijuana cookies or crunchies, tea) alike.

The Story of Barney’s Farm and Ayahuasca Purple

The tale of Barney’s Farm starts years ago, and to review the history of the Ayahuasca Purple seed, in particular, the story begins with Barney’s Farm receiving Red River Delta seeds as a gift (also, years ago!). Then, crossing these seeds with the Master Kush strain, bearing the brilliance of Ayahuasca Purple named after the deep purple the plant produces. Some say that Barney’s Farm had created the perfect strain!

What are the effects of Ayahuasca Purple?

A 100% Indica strain, the purple Ayahuasca can be described as a plant that gives a significant high, offering full-body relaxation. Reviews go as far as to say that the strain may be suitable for medical purposes.

The medical benefits of cannabis, depending on the type and strain, are rumored to curb fatigue, acute pain, headaches, and low moods, to name but a few ailments. Our advice is always to consult with your physician first.

When does Ayahuasca Purple turn purple?

With its papaya aroma and undertones of the tropical, it’s not the seed that tells the purple tale of this strain. The name Ayahuasca Purple may at first appear a red herring; no purple is seen until about the third month of either indoor or outdoor growth, the standard dominant cannabis plant color, green, being the overarching tone of the strain. 

From the farm to the homegrown enthusiast of this Indica-dominant cannabis strain, first-time growers are often found journaling with great excitement when the first purple tones emerge visibly across the leaves and the bud.

What has Master Kush and Red River Delta got to do with it?

With Master Kush and Red River Delta as the two parent strains, Ayahuasca Purple is one with a high THC count that offers a powerful hit and a wonderfully deep relaxing, and satisfying effect. Ayahuasca Purple Seeds from Barney’s Farm are feminized seeds, harvested around September-October. One can expect flowering time for this plant at the roughly 8-9 week mark. 

Growers can successfully cultivate Ayahuasca Purple both indoor and outdoor, a plant with a high yield that produces wide leaves and a stubby structure with dense buds. A high yield harvest, these CBD and THC thriving plants take about 55 – 65 days to flower, the plant structure itself becoming about 90 and 100cm tall. Flowering heavily and with dense buds, the Ayahuasca Purple strain has a CBD reading of ~1.4% and a comparatively high THC reading of ~21%.

If you need support with your marijuana harvest, then join growers of Purple Ayahuasca alike. A detailed grow journal, like this one, is worth consulting:

Where and How can someone buy Ayahuasca Purple seeds?

Whether for medical use or looking for a hit to induce a deeply relaxed state, this full-body cannabis, rich in hazelnut and papaya aroma, is how you can lay your hands on a feminized seed to cultivate your own personal cannabis.

Head to the Barney’s Farm website – – to get your hands on this Master Kush and Red River Delta hybrid. Purchase to taste, from Barney’s Farm; you can buy in packets of 1 seed, three seeds, five seeds, or ten seeds per pack. Your Ayahuasca Purple plants should, with careful cultivation, be flowering within two months.

About Barney’s Farm, the creators of 100% Indica, Ayahuasca Purple

Boasting harvest-upon-harvest of yield-upon-yield, weed-growers extraordinaire, Barney’s Farm has a history that begins almost thirty years ago, with a reputation for creating the perfect strain. Not only famous for its Ayahuasca Purple or other seeds the farm is also deemed by growers and users alike as an institution as winners of the Cannabis Cup and Indica/Sativa Cups. 

Derry, the man at Barney’s Farm’s helm, started cross-breeding strains as early as the 1980s. Enjoying harvest-upon-harvest of Sativa and Indica cannabis plants in the outdoor gem that is the Himalayas, it’s in early 1990 that Derry returned to Amsterdam to open a Coffee Shop called Barney’s. Today the coffee shop’s namesake, Barney’s Farm, is called upon worldwide by cannabis users.

So, whether you’re a horticulturist at heart, currently planning your indoor or outdoor growing space, or simply keen to know more about the harvest itself, the yield thereof, the seeds, the plants, the flower, interested in joining the cannabis growers out in the world or planning your farm for one day, keep your peepers peeled as we tell you more about the good relaxing stuff in another of our reviews, soon.

It’s important to note that Barney’s Farm does not ship to the USA at the time of writing this article. Here are their shipping details:

We have also noticed online retailers that sell Ayahuasca Purple feminized seeds within the US.

Ayahuasca Purple or bust, we’d love to know!

We’d love to know! Are you familiar with the strain Ayahuasca Purple? And, would you agree that Barney’s Farm has created the perfect strain? Let us know your thoughts, and see you in the next week or two!

One Response

  1. I use cannabis exclusively for insomnia. Ayahuasca Purple was a very close second to Kosher Kush in efectiveness, but it tastes a lot better than KK, and my wife has a bad reaction to being anywhere close to kk.

    If/when Washington State legalizes growing, I’ll buy ayahuasca seeds and grow my own.

    Based on the high I experience between vaping and falling asleep, it’s guess the AP would be fantastic recreationally is your aren’t glued to the couch. I wish I could still fund AP on the west coast of the US

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