
How To Sober Up From Weed: The Best Ways To ‘Stay-Safe’

Here Are Our Favorite Remedies For The Negative Effects Of THC

Medical marijuana (MMJ) is well-known for its soothing and medical uses for treating anxiety and managing pain. However, over-consumption of cannabis has negative effects too, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, paranoia, and overall discomfort. Many refer to this as a “bad high”.

Some of the effects of exceeding your marijuana limit include:

  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety   
  • Impaired judgment
  • Panic

Because of this, most people have started to look for ways to safely sober up after consuming too much Cannabis, while experiencing side effects of THC. In this guide, we are sharing the top 8 tips on how to sober up from Cannabis – safely.

How Long Does It Take To Sober Up From Weed?

Well, this depends on three main factors—how much marijuana you’ve consumed, how you consumed it, and your tolerance level. The stronger your marijuana is, the longer it will take your body to metabolize the THC in your system. Also, if you are a regular pot smoker, you sober up faster than an occasional smoker does as your tolerance makes you more resistant to the effects of the cannabis plant. When you smoke cannabis, the high usually lasts for an average of 30 minutes to 2 hours. When consuming edible Cannabis, the effects can take between 6-12 hours, sometimes even up to 24 hours depending on the dose. However, it can take longer for some people to recover, especially if they are not used to the substance or if they exceed their personal limit. While sobering up from MMJ you will feel less effects of the high, but you may still be considered “impaired” and should resume normal activity with caution.

Fortunately, there are several tips that can help you to recover from the effects of consuming excess cannabis, especially if you are feeling too high.

8 Quick Ways to Sober Up From Weed

Here are the top 8 ways to help you recover if you are feeling too high after consuming too much cannabis. Keep them in mind and use them whenever the occasion arises.

1. Go For A Walk Without Distractions

Taking a walk is one of the best things to do when you are feeling too high because of consuming too much THC. It’s recommended that you walk alone, and avoid interacting with other people to avoid spooking them because of certain reactions like paranoia or anxiety. In addition, ensure that you remain within your immediate surroundings to avoid wandering off too far from your home. In case you are feeling lightheaded, just take a seat outdoors until you feel better, and then go on with your walk. Also, you can opt to exercise in your home if you are not comfortable with going out when high on weed.

2. Take A ‘Cold’ Shower

A cold shower can give you that refreshing and soothing feeling, in addition to helping you recover from the effects of cannabis. This is one of the healthiest ways to get rid of the negative effects of consuming excess THC. Now, in case you are in a place where you cannot take a shower, just splash some cold water on your face, as this will help you to calm down. Also, sipping and swallowing water from time to time will help to hydrate your dry mouth. Besides, taking cold water will help to slow down your heart rate, thus making you feel at ease.

3. Eat A Snack

Eating a snack while high on weed helps to deal with the effects of excessive consumption of cannabis. One of the recommended products for one to take while high on pot is cannabidiol or CBD. This is an active ingredient is cannabis, and it’s extracted from hemp. Research has shown that CBD helps to deal with effects like anxiety, insomnia, and pain. Now, in case you cannot access CBD, ensure that you keep yourself hydrated by taking fluids like water. Besides, taking a snack can help to remediate these effects of THC. Some people say that taking a light snack helps them to recover from the effects of smoking MMJ. Therefore, you should consider taking some nuts, cheese, or fruits to see if it will become easier for your mind and body to connect.

4. Watch Something On TV

Little distractions can help to manage the side effects of taking too much cannabis. If you don’t keep yourself busy when high on pot, you risk increasing the feeling of anxiety and paranoia, which can lead to a panic attack. So, you should consider watching your favorite TV shows, so that your mind doesn’t wander off. Watching TV can help to distract you from any form of cannabis-induced paranoia and anxiety. Other forms of distraction include talking to someone else or playing a game. Research has revealed that staying active enables a person to recover faster from the effects of too much marijuana.

5. Take Deep Breaths

At times, you don’t need to do much to get over the effects of taking marijuana in excess. All you need are deep breathing exercises. Doctors say that taking deep breaths while high on MMJ can help you to calm down and clear your mind. To do the deep breathing exercises, you need to close your eyes, take deep breaths and then think of other things apart from the negative feeling that the marijuana is inducing at the given moment. In case you are not home, find a quiet place to do the exercises, and try not to panic.

6. Take Ibuprofen (Please Consult With A Doctor Before Taking Any Medication)

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug, and some studies have shown that it helps to manage the effects of over-consuming marijuana. So, if you want to reduce cannabis-induced effects, consider mixing ibuprofen with weed. It is not only effective but also quite easy to do and access. Therefore, you should always ensure that you have ibuprofen whenever smoking marijuana, whether medical or recreational. It will help to counteract and reduce the adverse reactions of marijuana on your body. In case you are taking MMJ, you should consult your doctor before using ibuprofen.

7. Try To Think Positive & Remind Yourself: “This Is Just a Temporary Feeling”

Another way one can recover from too much cannabis consumption is by reminding yourself that the feeling is temporary. Keep in mind that no one has ever died from excess consumption of marijuana. So, whatever feeling you have at that moment will eventually fade away. Speak to yourself and remind yourself that it will pass and you will be fine. This is also a good way to prevent a panic attack.

8. Limonene Extract Can Help Too

Finally, limonene extract can help marijuana smokers recover when feeling too high. Limonene is found in the skin of citrus and Studies have shown that taking this extract helps to combat the effects of smoking MMJ. Besides, this is a good way of treating cannabis-induced anxiety. Therefore, you should always have some limonene extract close if you consume weed frequently.

Additional Tip: Chew Black Peppercorns

Yes, black peppercorns can go a long way in dealing with the effects of consuming excess marijuana. Interestingly, black pepper, which is a common kitchen spice that offers almost instant relief to anyone who has taken much THC. Besides, it helps to get rid of anxiety and paranoia quickly. You can either chew peppercorns or grind them in your food. While it’s possible to sniff the peppercorns, you should exercise extra caution when doing so and we do not recommend this.

According to a study conducted by the British Journal of Pharmacology, both marijuana and black peppercorn have similar chemical traits. The study states that beta-caryophyllene, a terpene found in black peppercorns, helps to manage the effects of excess THC. That’s why black peppercorn can give you a near-instant calmness when you feel high after consuming weed.

How does CBD help in dealing with the effects of excess THC

Different cannabinoids naturally occur in the cannabis plant. But the two popular ones include CBD and THC. Now, THC is what makes a person high and it’s mostly consumed recreationally. However, it can leave you feeling too high if consumed in excess.  CBD, on the other hand, is what helps one to recover from the negative effects of smoking too much MMJ. As said earlier, too much THC causes several negative impacts, like anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks, among others. Therefore, you should avoid any product with THC whenever high on MMJ and use CBD. You can purchase CBD oil, which is safe and legal to use in almost all the states in the U.S.

CBD oil has therapeutic effects, and can come in handy when battling adverse effects of consuming marijuana. CBD prevents THC from connecting to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain, which helps to cap the impact of marijuana. Therefore, it leads to fewer feelings of anxiety and discomfort. When buying CBD oil, it’s advisable to purchase one that has no traces of THC—otherwise, you risk having a counter-effect.

How to Avoid the Adverse Reactions of Consuming too much Cannabis

The adverse effects of marijuana can affect your daily activities. This is the reason you should understand the amount of pot you need to feel high. Here are a few tips to help you.

Know Your Limit

Knowing your limit means you know how much cannabis your body can handle. Besides, it’s important to make sure that you exercise control on the amount that you consume. You should learn your limit from your first experience of the adverse effects, and use this experience to avoid similar experiences from happening in the future. Thus, you should always go slow when taking weed and take some time to monitor the body’s condition before taking more edibles.

Stick To The Same Variety & Strain

Some weed varieties are stronger, while other are weak. Therefore, taking different varieties risks leaving a person feeling too high. Therefore, it’s important that you read the instructions whenever you purchase a different variety from what you are used to. Besides, It’s advisable that you buy your edibles from a licensed dispensary.

Keep Remedy At Hand Before You Decide To Smoke

Make sure you have a remedy on hand to help you deal with the effects of taking too much cannabis. You can carry something like CBD oil or peppercorns, which will help you prevent negative impacts. you can use these products once you start feeling excessively high.

Avoid Consuming Marijuana on an Empty Stomach

Just like alcohol, always make sure that you eat before smoking pot. This will prevent you getting high too quickly and also helps you remain healthy. Besides, make sure that you stay hydrated when you consume edibles to combat the feeling of dry mouth which is very common at that time.

Get High In A Safe Place

Whenever you feel like you want to take marijuana, it’s best to do this in a safe and calm place that you are used to. This can be your home or a friend’s home. Also, you should make sure you are around people you trust or family when consuming cannabis so these could help in case of cannabis-induced discomfort.

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